Friday, April 1, 2011

The Dam April Workout

Well, so, it is April and time to get in serious shape for the big dam race! (Prizes will be awarded--really good prizes!)


Five days of the week: a minimum 35 minute run (or run/walks, if you must!). If you are seriously out of shape, and neglected to do your March workouts, you can start at 20 minutes a day.

Sixth day: a minimum one-hour run/walk. (Keep track of how far you get in that hour, and try to increase the distance each week. The race is 4.7 miles, so you will want to cover that distance in under an hour!)

Three to Five days a week: Do your dam core exercises (and a little yoga stretching on the side)

For many people, especially the older you get, your training is slowed or sometimes interrupted because of a weakness in the core, which causes aches, pains and injuries--all can be avoided by strengthening the core!--and proper warm up before you begin.

You can follow this link to the core exercises and print out your own copy:

If you do not have an exercise ball, not to worry! Just do exercises 2, 4 ,5--ha! good luck with the transverse plank!, 6, 7, & 8.

I also suggest improving your diet by increasing fruit and veggie intake and cutting out sugar. I'm just sayin--you gotta get your mind in the game--we need total commitment from team Mantua!

PS: I am taking submissions for the 2011 Dam Race Hall Cheer. You may submit in text form or performance video.

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