Saturday, June 19, 2010

June Dam Training

Chapter 3: The Dam Strength Training

Strength training is v e r y important! Yes very, very important. Really! So now, in our third month of dam prep I hope you are doing two to three (max) strength training workouts per week. Strength training (lifting weights, duh) builds muscle and muscle burns fat. Fat, on the other hand does not burn fat. It sits. So I can't stress enough how really important doing your muscle work is. Especially as you age, like for example Rand, because it helps keep your bones young. S o o o o o get out there and lift those weights. Woo hoo!

Well now I know you are probably plenty fired up after that little peek at Chapter 3 of my forthcoming book How to Effectively Prepare for Dam Racing: or, how to beat out dam near everybody! But I have found by all the cards, letters, emails, phone calls, texts, etc. that you are desperate to hear more from me. So here is something from my favorite book, Younger Next Year:

Coordination & Joint Health through strength training

Aerobic exercise is primarily about your muscles' ability to endure. Strength training is primarily about your muscles' ability to deliver power, which, surprisingly, has as much to do with a special form of neural coordination as actual strength. That's a critical point. Strength training causes muscle growth, and that's important, but it's the hidden increase in coordination that changes your physical life. This is not eye-hand coordination; it's the coordination of fine muscle detail through the elaborate networks of nerves that link your brain and body.

Generally, we aren't aware of nerve decay as we get older, but it's the main reason our joints wear out, our muscles get sloppy and our ability to be physically alert and powerful begins to fade. And it is reversible with strength training.

So, there you have it for the month of June, a wee bit late. In July I will add Chapter 4: The Dam Apparel. (Stephanie, are you working on the design of the dam t-shirt?)
Go Team Mantua!!!!!! (July 17th is the big day.)

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