Thursday, March 25, 2010


I was chatting with my BFFs the other day at a sidewalk cafe, and the introvert/extrovert topic came up. I started to bemoan being an introvert, and one of my (very smart) friends said, "But you're an extrovert and so funny!" This is a true story. :)


  1. Ha ha! Love it - hey - we all miss your dam race training emails......especially Neal I am sure.

  2. Maybe we should all zoom out to Tennasse and see what if you're a closet extrovert there!
    It's funny...but I often feel trapped by the extrovert/introvert thing...I mean, sometimes I am both, or just one...or with some people I am on, and with others I am another. It's much more fluid then a permanent state I would say.

  3. Sounds very 'Sybil' :-) It also sounds like me. Don't laugh. I am a hermit. I truly make myself go out because I know I will enjoy myself once I am there, but the fact is, I would just stay home constantly if I thought I could get away with it :-)

  4. Thanks for the encouragement on the Dam Race emails. This morning I posted that email and then checked my blog. Wow! What confluence! Great minds think alike! And yes, I guess we all have our introvert/extrovert sides. Hmm out of the closet in Tennessee, could be could be.

  5. To one and all I've seen Sybil in Tenn. twice and I can tell you she is a wild and uninhibited extrovert squared 9. You would hardly recognize her without her "cottage-by-the-lake-in-Mantua" guise." (By the mouth of two witnesses!) Val and I could hardly get her to stay home during our first visit - same with the second. One social event after another. It was exhausting!
